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Upazila Parishad at one point

Historical evolution of local government system:


** Permanent Settlement Act 1793:

(1) The municipality of the city area and the zamindari system of rural areas.

(2) The creation of the zamindar class and the payment of revenue and the responsibility of local peacekeeping over the zamindars.

(3) Chowkidari Panchayat Act, 1870 was introduced in 1870 (80 years later) at the union level for peacekeeping, when zamindars were separated from luxurious living and welfare work.

(A) Under a panchayat several villages are included.

(B) There were 05 members nominated by the District Magistrate who worked as the agents of the District Magistrate.

(C) It was the duty of the panchayat to collect tax with peace and order. But they did not do any developmental work.


** Bengal Local Government Act 1885:

The British Government introduced this law. This law introduced three-level government system.


(1) Union committee at the union level (as well as Chowkidari Panchayat system was in operation).

(A) Union committee was formed from 25.90 square kilometers to 38.85 sq km area.

(B) In those committees, between 05 to 09 members of the union residents were elected.

(C) There were one or more villages under the committee.

(D) Union Committee had no power to impose taxes. However, some of the development activities are associated with.

(E) Besides the members of the committee, the responsibility of maintaining the maintenance of rural roads, primary school management, birth and death accounts, and the restoration of some of the issues raised by the local board are given to the peacekeeping and tax collection.


(2) Local Board at the sub-divisional level

(A) Local board was formed with at least 06 members. Under the control of the local board

2/3 member members were elected from the members of the union committee and the members were appointed from among the members.

(B) There was no work of this Board. But it was one of the major tasks of the union committees under the board to accept the reports of their control.

(3) District Board at district level

(A) District Board is formed with at least 09 members.

(B) If the local board represented the whole district, half of the members were elected and if the local board represented the special part of the district then the proportional number of members would have been determined by the provincial government.

(C) With the approval of the provincial government, a chairman from the members of the district board

Would have been selected.


** Bangla Palli Swadamya Shahan Act of 1919

(1) This Act provides the power to collect effective money from the union and to conduct the daily affairs more freely.

(2) The Union Board was formed by incorporating the functions of the Panchayat and the Union Committee. In the sub-divisional level, the local board and the District Board at the level of the District as well as the ballot.

(3) Union board was formed with 06 to 09 members. 03 of 03 people were nominated by the government and the remaining members were elected by the people's vote. There was no voting for women. Those who are over 21 years of age and have a certain amount of property and education, they only had franchise.

(4) Members were elected from among the members.


** Basic Democracies Order, 1959:

In order to fundamental democracy, four-tier local government was prominently introduced.

(1) Union Council:

(A) This is the lowest level of local government.

(B) The Union Council comprises of 10 to 15 members (2/3 elected, 1/3 nominated) with average 10 thousand people living area.

(C) 01 members of the council and 01 vice chairman will be elected from among them.

(D) It was a period of 05 years.

(E) Chairman of the Board for the year 1963 would be elected. The post was then canceled.

(F) In addition to protecting the peace of the area, the council is entrusted with the responsibility of observing 37 activities. In addition, it is important to address the environment, public health, water supply, education, communication, social welfare and so on.

(G) In order to fund the Union Council, under the basic democracy order, tax and property tax is given.

(H) Judicial powers are given by forming arbitral courts.


(2) Thana Council:

(A) Chairman of Union Council ex-officio members of Thana Council

(B) Officers of Agriculture, Education, Health, Fisheries and Co-operative departments at Thana level were the members of the Thana Council.

(C) The subdivision administrator was ex-vice president of the Thana Council and the Circle Officer (Development) vice-president.

(D) The Council did not have the power to impose a tax. It played the role of coordinator





(3) District Council:

(A) Until 1962, the district council formed comprised of government and nominated members.

(B) Half of the total members of the District Council are elected by the chairman of the Union Parishad.

(C) District level government officials were the members of the government.

(D) Deputy Commissioner was ex-officio Chairman of the District Council.

(E) It was the main task of coordinating the activities of roads, buildings, hospitals, dispensaries, schools and other educational institutions, health, dakbungalow and the local councils of the districts.

(4) Divisional Council:

(A) Divisional Council area comprised the area of ​​the administrative division.

(B) Half of the divisional council members were government and the remaining half private.

(C) It was the main task of coordinating the activities of various government departments, local councils, municipal corporations and various departments.

* After the formation of the Provincial Legislative Assembly in 1969, the provincial development advisory board and the divisional council were canceled.

** President's