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Industrial and trade

Satkhira district industries-business

The Satkhira district is not particularly advanced in the industrial and commercial areas. Experts believe that there is no planned attempt to advance the progress of this industry before the business of relations with the East India Company is sufficient, although the prospects of salt industry are good since ancient times. Grameen society was developed - cottage artists scattered, isolated and unplanned Bay had made merchandise.

Satkhira forest area is rich in agriculture; Originally, after receiving twenty-four parganas from the British era, British banners began to influence the development of Sundarbans and the economy of the region. Satkhira became the basis of the economy. In the immediate era of British rule, The coastal districts of undivided Bengal to develop a mean labanasilpa news is available.

In the cottage industry, the industry of sugarcane, sugarcane, bamboo, bamboo, gold ornaments, fish hunting and livestock etc. has become the basis of the economic base of the Sundarbans. It has been profitable since the British era.

Various historians and researchers about the trade and commerce of Satkhira or greater Sundarbansan are going to highlight some of the topics mentioned here.




In the past, especially in the Mughal era, Bangladesh was rich in art. Muslin cloth of Bangladesh got international fame in that era. In other parts of Satkheera, the quality of handgun loom was made. Hindu and Muslim were weaving among both communities. During the British period, the British Company established a factory in Sonabariya village of Kolaroa thana. The workers of the company, by cultivating local weavers, Baksha (now Brazz Bakshi, the weavers of the village, became well-versed in preparing clothes for the imitation of Dhaka Dhaka, whose reputation spread abroad in the country. At one time, weaving was one of the livelihoods of many people in the Satkhira region, like the whole of Bangladesh. At the beginning of the weavers, they became very desperate. At the beginning of Buchanan Hamilton, weavers Monitoring the basis of life and financial status


This led to the decline of cotton production. Many of these people became involved in different occupations for the sake of living. In addition to this, due to the industrial revolution of England, there is a kind of abolition of weaving industry in Satkhira.





Sal forests were produced in ancient seashore districts from ancient times. The ancient land donation was mentioned in the 'Salunkhebiri'. Akshwari merchants used to go to Bengal for annual salt sowing each year and from there it was run in Ayodhya, Bundelkhand, Nepal. In 857-58, 95,000 tons of salt was produced from 85,000 tons in Bangladesh. The entire trading company of salt of 24 pargas was acquired and in 1765 Chatta was captured The merchants of our country were forced to depart from a significant area of ​​trade in the era of Tigaram, Bardhaman, Midnapur. The half produced salt produced in Tamluk Hijli and produced one part of the three-part of the Sundarbans, in the Ramayangal Mahalas of Baruipur in Bashirhat. All eighteenth century The rayamangal salts agency was located in Nadia district To surrender






It should be noted that at that time Khulna district was not formed. Then, due to the involvement of Nadia (India) in the Satkhira region of Sundarbansal area, Raymondal Salt Agency was also operated under the Nadia. The Sundarban Salt Agency was managed under the supervision of the Mallikar. The ultimate salt workers were exploited by the clerks in different ways. 24 Parganas district After getting the presents, the raymangal salts agency company is now eyeing the exploitation of straw When it comes down to the clerks, the rich and the clerks fall into extreme economic disaster, due to bribery, weight loss, misery, etc. In the remote areas of the Sundarbans, the workers refuse to work there. The mangal and Mahindra Or marginal workers refused to work by accepting the company's donation If the workers take advance payment - they will not be able to repay their debt through occasional hard work. Many of the workers employed by the company forced the workers to accept donations, as many people were forced to leave the area. The people of Kolaroa (currently Satkhira) and Bakla (now in Satkhira) Barisal) At least 150 farmers of Ekushta village have been accused of using salt for forced labor Goes.

It is also known that there was a number of small salt production fields at that time in the old parganas (present Satkhira district). Because of the fact that many of the farmers were forced to produce salt by force, serious reactions were made on rice cultivation at that time. In the face of a fair trial, in 1788 AD, by government or by other means Forced forced labor to produce the salt is declared banned Karatoseainaanuyayi the production of salt and salt for all salt to prevent irregularities were appointed inspector.